Tuesday, November 6, 2018

How to earn money in SimCity?

SimCity:Build It: 

  • It is a game developed for mobile game play. It is available for download for iOS and Android. it is a free simulation game in the app store and play store.
  • But after playing some time you stuck in game because of less money. In game you can earn money by completing City Achievements,City Hall TAX revenue and by selling items in Trade Depot. But their is also an another way to earn more money by BUYING and SELLING items.
  • In game you find a building Global Trade HQ located near trade depot and behind airport, from this building you can buy items other players selling and it gets refresh in every thirty seconds.If you observe carefully every time the price of items is different and this is the point from where you can earn money.
  • Every item in simcity has a maximum and minimum selling price for example metal have an average selling price of 7 and the maximum selling price is 10. You can buy metals from global trade hq in average selling price of 7 per item and sell them at maximum selling price of 10 per item at trade depot.

Here is the list of maximum selling price of some items

  • Metal-10
  • Plastic-25
  • Seed-30
  • Wood-20
  • Mineral-40
  • Hammer-90
  • Nail-80
  • Measuring Tape-110
  • Vegetable-160
  • Chair-300
  • Shovel-150
  • Planks-120
  • Storage Lock-650
  • Storage Camera-650
  • Storage Bars-650
  • Dozer Wheel-800
  • Dozer exhaust-800 etc.
When you find price of items lower then their maximum selling price buy them and sell them at their maximum selling price to earn profit and you can start your own business in SimCity.

Bonus Tip: 

  • Upgrade your city storage as much as possible.
  • Always buy item which give you more profit per item.
  • When visit sellers city after buying item close global trade screen and then look around city to find a gift.Gifts are not seen always.
  • Always take gift after buying your stuff because even if your city storage gets fulled you can easily accept gift.

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